Scott M. Baughan
Scott began his career as a civil trial lawyer. His trial practice was focused primarily upon disputes related to health care, including medical malpractice cases, physician credentialing and various regulatory and billing issues related to individual practitioners, hospitals, surgery centers, insurers and health care delivery systems. During his time as a trial lawyer, Scott tried many cases to verdict as lead counsel. He additionally prepared and argued numerous appellate cases. Scott handled many hundreds more cases which resulted in resolution through mediation or otherwise.
As of 2017, Scott is focused exclusively upon dispute resolution. He has successfully facilitated the resolution of several hundred complex legal disputes. His philosophy, and that of ADRsource, is to take the insights gained from decades of experience as a trial lawyer and apply them to the mediation process. Just like trial law, effective mediation requires experience, passion and dedication. Scott remembers very well from his time as a trial lawyer that hiring a mediator requires a leap of faith. He acknowledges that with every case he accepts, he makes a corresponding promise to diligently pursue a successful resolution by bringing energy, creativity, and persistence to the process.
Schedule with Scott M. Baughan
Please select an available date on the calendar and provide the requested information.
IMPORTANT: Your mediation is NOT confirmed until you receive a confirmation letter from our office.
Areas of focus
Medical Malpractice
Nursing Home/ALF
Healthcare Regulatory
Catastrophic Injury
Physician Credentialing
Wrongful Death
Products Liability
Premises Liability
Commercial Litigation
Professional Malpractice
Construction Litigation
Securities Litigation
Civil Rights